Ordered before 13:00, delivered today

Fresh pink Biedermeier

This beautiful funeral bouquet fresh pink Biedermeier exudes your love or passion for the deceased. Funeral Bouquets Rotterdam also chose gypsophila that expresses "innocence" and "pure heart". The daily fresh roses, gypsophila and foliage are processed into a round bouquet that will last a very long time. If you order this mourning arrangement before 2pm, Rouwboeketten Rotterdam can make this...

Fresh pink Biedermeier

 85,95 135,95

Date and start of funeral

  • Date *

  • Hour *

  • Min *

  • Would you like to add a funeral ribbon or bereavement card? *

    Funeral ribbon White +  17,50
    Funeral ribbon Red +  17,50
    Funeral ribbon green +  17,50
    Special Funeral Card +  2,95
  • Obituary text *

    0 / 200

    Place the text for the obituary card here.Max: 200 characters

  • Text on left slip *

    0 / 50

    Max: 50 characters

  • Text on right slip *

    0 / 50

    Max: 50 characters


* Depending on availability, the flowers may differ slightly from the photo


This beautiful funeral bouquet fresh pink Biedermeier exudes your love or passion for the deceased. Funeral Bouquets Rotterdam also chose gypsophila that expresses "innocence" and "pure heart". Daily fresh roses, gypsophila and foliage are made into a round bouquet that lasts a very long time.

If you order this funeral bouquet before 2pm, Rouwboeketten Rotterdam can deliver it the same day. They will personally deliver the bouquet wherever you wish (e.g. cemetery, crematorium or the church).


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