Ordered before 13:00, delivered today

Sweet Bouquet

Sweet and soft is this lovely Sweet Bouquet. Composed of roses and flowers with cream and soft pink tones and fresh eucalyptus leaves, among others. The pale pink or white roses symbolise trust. The soft pastel colours combined with the chosen flowers are sure to impress someone you love.

Sweet Bouquet

(4 customer reviews)
 24,95 42,95
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    Post your message here and don't forget to mention the sender.Max: 250 characters


* Depending on availability, the flowers may differ slightly from the photo

4 reviews for Lief Boeket

  1. Rita Melo (verified owner) -

    All good!

  2. Darina Kamburova (verified owner) -

    Flowers were very nice and fresh and the service was perfect. I had some specific requirement for the delivery which were considered and covered. Definitively I do recommend.

  3. Donnio (verified owner) -

    I heard from the recipient that it is a very nice bunch.

  4. Marjo (verified owner) -

    I had ordered the flowers ad hoc and wanted them delivered quickly. I thought I had read that the flowers would be delivered 2 days later, but it was the very next day. Bouquet also looked beautiful in real life.aI find the flowers a bit on the expensive side compared to buying them myself in a flower shop. I saw the delivered bunch and looked partly like picture, but of course delivery costs are included.

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